Stories like Jim’s
bothered me
Then there’s Bob Harper.
If you don’t know Bob, he’s been a trainer on NBC’s The Biggest
Loser since 1994.
Bob suffered a “Widow Maker” heart attack.
The same kind that killed James Gandolfini in 2013. 3
But unlike Gandolfini, Harper was a picture of health.
Yet he had a blocked artery.
Harper survived.
But it should have never happened in the first place.
Then there’s Alan Thicke.
You might remember him from the TV show Growing Pains
in the 80s.
Thicke was surprisingly fit.
At age 69, he was still playing hockey. 4
Yet, while playing, he got some chest pain.
Thicke was smiling as they loaded him into the ambulance but was pronounced dead soon after.
Just like the civil servants in that study that opened my eyes, all 3 of these men were fit and healthy on the surface.
And none of them should have had a heart attack, yet they did.
You can’t chalk it all up to genetics either.
We all know plenty of people who had good genetics and died young anyway.
Or people with bad genetics who outlived everybody else.
But even the Director of the Center for Human Genetic Research at Massachusetts General Hospital
in Boston admits…
“For heart attack at least, DNA is not destiny...” 5
Luckily, the ‘simple’ answers didn’t cut the mustard for me.
What I’ve discovered – and what I’m going to share with you here – has the power to alter your destiny.
What if you no longer had to accept heart problems
as a given, simply because you’re getting older?
How would you like to have the heart of your 20-year-old self, no matter how old you are today?
And I’m not talking about a transplant.
You see, the solution I’m going to share with you could make that obsolete.
But you’ll NEVER see it on the 6 o’clock news.
Before telling you how you can put your heart attack worries behind you, you need to understand WHY healthy older people have heart attacks in the first place…
It all starts with the little power plants inside your cells called mitochondria.
Mitochondria (might-o-con-dria) are responsible for turning food into cellular energy.
They’re responsible for every ounce of energy created in your body…

…whenever you climb a flight of stairs…

…whenever you garden or golf…

…whenever you do something as simple as flex a muscle…

…the energy you do it with comes from millions of microscopic mitochondria.
You might think that since your entire body needs energy, that the mitochondria are spread out evenly.
But that’s not the case.
Take your biceps.
Your biceps have about 200 mitochondria in every cell – that's what it takes to flex your muscles, pick up your groceries, or raise your arm to scratch your nose.
Not 200 mitochondria in your biceps…200 mitochondria in every cell in your biceps. 6
But it takes 5,000 mitochondria in each heart cell to keep it pumping strong! 7
Your heart is the biggest user of mitochondria, by far.
And yet, as important as mitochondria are…
1 out of every 6 people have mitochondrial dysfunction! 8
It turns out, as we get older, our mitochondria start to mutate.
Our cells come under attack from toxins … from stress …
but mostly, from free oxygen radicals.
These toxins cause the mitochondria to mutate and die out.
Each time…
…it’s like microscopic blackout.
Picture your heart full of millions of energy plants that are going dark, one by one.
That’s exactly what happens as we age.
The process takes years…
But eventually, your heart lacks the energy to even beat properly.
It gets sluggish and irregular.
If you’ve ever felt your heart skip a beat or had a single powerful beat that scared you…
You might be experiencing what happens when your heart doesn’t have enough energy.
Without help, this happens to all of us.
But the process starts when you’re 30 and takes years before it’s a killer.
And that’s the real reason teenagers don’t suffer heart attacks…
Their mitochondria haven’t been under attack long enough.
Not enough of them have mutated YET.
So, their heart has plenty of energy to fire on all cylinders.
For us though, every year takes its toll...
As mitochondria die off, our heart doesn’t have the energy it needs to pump like it should…
Our heart doesn’t “fire” right.
It gets sluggish…
…so, it must work harder to try and keep blood flowing to your arteries…
Your heart is like any other muscle – it grows when it’s overworked.
So, your heart becomes enlarged.
Then it takes on excess fluid, straining itself even more.
Until finally, blood backs up in your lungs and other vital organs.
It’s called Congestive Heart Failure, or CHF.
Five million Americans have CHF and there's a half million new cases every year 9.
And CHF is nasty.
It leaves you short of breath, tired, and weak.
Your legs, ankles, and feet swell…
your heart beats funny…
and you pick up a cough that won’t seem to go away.
Over time, CHF will kill you if left untreated.
And I’ve been told it feels like you’re drowning.
But it’s slow…
…so you have this horrible feeling for months.
Young people don’t get CHF because they still have plenty of mitochondria to keep the heart pumping.
The OTHER Reason Teenagers
Don’t Get Heart Attacks
Have you heard about “good cholesterol" and “bad cholesterol?”
The good cholesterol is called HDL (High Density Lipoprotein – lie-po-pro-teen).
HDL sweeps gunk out of your arteries.
The bad cholesterol is called LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein).
LDL sticks to the walls of your arteries and blocks them up.
They say your levels of LDL increase by eating bacon, cheese, red meat, and other foods most of us love.
But that’s only half the story.
After all, teenagers eat a pile of that stuff…
And they aren’t dropping dead on the ground with blocked arteries like Jim Fixx and Alan Thicke did.
So, what’s REALLY going on?
As it turns out, LDL cholesterol doesn’t grab on to the walls of your arteries…
It doesn’t block the blood flow to the heart.
Not by itself anyway.
In young people, LDL cholesterol particles pass through the arteries, like a hot knife through butter.
It simply doesn’t cause kids any problems.
But as we get older, something changes.
Our LDL particles start to “rust.”
And as LDL particles rust, that’s when they get stuck to our artery walls.
The rust builds up, and causes heart attacks.
How does this happen?
Well, it’s not exactly rust.
Rust is the term for what happens when iron meets free oxygen radicals and oxidizes.
But lots of other things besides iron oxidize too.
The skin that forms on pudding is an example of oxidation.
But you don’t want oxidation on your LDL particles…
That’s what turns them into deadly plaque…
And it’s oxidation that mutates and kills off your
mitochondria too.
The Key To Turning Back The
Clock On Heart Health
If it’s oxidation that causes plaque, and it’s oxidation that kills your energy-producing mitochondria.
Then it makes sense to stop oxidation dead in its tracks.
Which brings me back to my Compound CSP I’ve been telling you about.
Compound CSP eliminates harmful oxidation.
…which keeps your blood flowing smoothly, your heart pumping strong, and your energy levels at their peak…
Just what is Compound CSP?
It’s the name I gave the mixture of 3 super nutrients I discovered when researching all of this.
I set out to discover why teenagers don’t have heart attacks, even though they have brutal diets.
And when I discovered oxidation as one of the main problems…
I was pissed!
You see, the “C” in Compound CSP is CoQ10.
It turns out that CoQ10 is an antioxidant.
You know about antioxidants if you’ve ever taken Vitamin E.
But CoQ10 is much better at keeping LDL from turning into
plaque than Vitamin E is. 10
And that’s why I was so pissed.
Doctors are still routinely recommending Vitamin E like it’s candy…
But, according to Harvard Medical School, it’s been linked to Cancer! 11
And of course, the public is easily fooled because they hear the word vitamin and they assume it’s safe.
I don’t blame the patients for thinking that.
I blame the industry.
Why are they recommending an antioxidant that causes Cancer?
Especially when it’s inferior to CoQ10 in the first place?
I suspect it all boils down to money somehow.
They should be recommending CoQ10 instead.
CoQ10 isn’t some foreign chemical… it’s already produced in every cell of your body.
But when you hit about 30, you start to lose CoQ10. 12
You might have noticed it when your energy levels stopped being like it used to…
…it got just that much harder to concentrate and remember…
…there were aches and pains that you started to get…
…but probably brushed it off.
But here’s the thing:
The fact is, you’ll lose up to about 72% of your CoQ10 as you near old age. 13
Without enough of this natural antioxidant on board…
…slowly at first…
…your LDL particles start to rust…
…plaque starts building up…
…your heart starts to enlarge and can’t beat properly…
…until the next thing you know, you’re riding in the back of an ambulance writhing in pain like Alan Thicke.
Or worse…
…you simply die.
And if you take statins, your CoQ10 levels dip even faster.
Statins alone lower CoQ10 levels by a whopping 40%! 14
Yes, a drug that’s supposed to help your heart … does more damage to your heart in the long run.
We need to preserve your CoQ10 levels at all costs.
This Wonder Enzyme Shores Up Sagging Cellular
Energy Levels Too!
Not only does CoQ10 keep oxidation at bay…
It’s the fuel that helps mitochondria turn food into energy.
Here’s what happens…
As you now know, your mitochondria start to die off as you get older.
But the mitochondria you have left need CoQ10 to produce maximum energy.
So, when your CoQ10 AND your mitochondria deplete starting around age 30…
It’s a double whammy!
And lots of bad stuff happens.
Yes, when CoQ10 levels get dangerously low…
...Our arteries harden…
...blood starts backing up in other organs…
...our memory gets foggy…
...and our energy levels plummet too.
On the other hand, when we bring out CoQ10 levels back up where they need to be…
…your arteries flow freely…
…your blood pressure relaxes …
...your heart keeps pumping strong … think more clearly …
...and you add that bounce back into your step.
And that’s why I’m so pissed!
I read a study about 420 heart patients who had heart failure.
Researchers gave half the group CoQ10 alone, and they gave the other half a placebo.
Over the next 2 years, the group given CoQ10 had 43% fewer deaths.
In other words, 175 fewer people had deadly heart attacks! 15
Which led me to wonder…
Where You Can Get
The CoQ10 You Need?
You can find CoQ10 pretty much anywhere.
BUT, as you’ll see in a moment…
…the last thing you want to do right now is grab a generic, mass-produced bottle at CVS.
First, I have to show you what to look for since not all CoQ10 is created equal.
But more importantly, my Compound CSP has 2 other ingredients…
And when they’re put together, they’re heart-health and energy powerhouses!
The “S” in Compound CSP is Shilajit.
On its own…
…shilajit stokes your energy levels… maintains peak mental alertness… and promotes heart health.
It’s a thick black-brown, tar-like mineral oil that grows on the sides of mountains of Tibet and in the Himalayas.
It’s plant material that oozes from the mountain itself.
They call it“Blood of the Mountain.”
Shilajit was discovered when locals looked up and saw white monkeys sitting on the side of a mountain chewing on the tar!
You might wonder if hiking up the side of a mountain to grab
some sticky mineral oil is worth it.
It is...
Shilajit contains 85 different minerals – minerals your body
needs to function properly. 16
But when it comes to your heart, the biggest benefit is…
Shilajit DOUBLES the
effect of CoQ10 17
So, if you take a CoQ10 supplement…
…Shilajit will make more of the CoQ10 available for your mitochondria to turn into heart-saving energy.
In fact, even in large muscle groups like your heart, Shilajit and CoQ10 deliver a landslide 144% more energy… 18
Which keeps your heart pumping strong…
…just like when you were 20.
Great for your heart and
good for your brain too!
When you combine Shilajit with CoQ10, you get a 56% brain energy boost 19.
What does 56% more brain energy feel like?
Mental fogginess and confusion disappear…
Your mind is quick, calm, and confident…
As an energy booster and proven heart health booster, it just plain works.
Take Sal Spinnanto who said
“Taking Shilajit is like ingesting a source of power!”
Or Jeff D. who said
“shilajit gives me energy and a sense of calm at the same time…”
And while Shilajit grows on the side of a mountain in the Himalayas…
You don’t have to scale a mountain to get your hands on it.
In a minute, I’ll lead you to the Shilajit – and I’ll reveal how you can use its healing powers, without having to chew on tar.
But first, I need to finish telling you about Compound CSP…
The Nutrient That Completes The Puzzle
There’s one last ingredient in my Compound CSP that you don’t know about yet.
And that’s pyrroloquinoline quinone (pronounced pi-ro-lo-qwin-o-li-ne qwi-no-ne.) PQQ for short.
I’ve illustrated how, when we hit 30, we start to lose both mitochondria and the CoQ10 that powers them.
When you take CoQ10, you elevate the amount of energy your mitochondria can produce.
And Shilajit supercharges the process, adding more CoQ10 as fuel.
But PQQ goes one giant step further!
PQQ grows NEW mitochondria! 20
Imagine that…
PQQ grows fresh NEW mitochondria … CoQ10 FUELS them … and Shilajit stuffs more CoQ10 into every cell.
It’s like adding more cylinders to your car’s engine…then making all the cylinders bigger…and finally adding high-octane fuel.
Your car would run like a Formula ONE and be bursting with newfound energy.
Only instead of a well-tuned car, you’ll have a well-tuned cardiovascular system…
With Shilajit, CoQ10, and PQQ working together to drastically stimulate cellular energy…
Keeping your heart pumping strong and your brain in top shape too.
When you take all 3 of these super nutrients together…
…in exactly the right dosage…
…and from the right sources…
…and made by the right manufacturers…
You feel full of energy, and you’ve got more gumption to tackle life’s challenges.
And the benefits of PQQ don’t end there.
PQQ is an antioxidant too. So it helps keep your LDL cholesterol from turning in to life-stealing plaque.
What Foods Are Packed With
This Super Nutrient?
PQQ is found in parsley, green peppers, kiwi, and tofu.
So, can you simply eat more of these foods?
You could, but you’d have to eat about 200 pounds of the stuff a day to get the 20 milligrams of PQQ that your body needs! 21
It’d take you a month of eating those foods just to get the PQQ you need for one single day.
Where To Find
Compound CSP Locally
As you can see, Compound CSP is like the holy trinity of heart-health…
3 perfect nutritional ingredients combine to create an extraordinary energy booster and heart saver.
So how can you get
your hands on some
Compound CSP?
Unfortunately, they don’t sell it over the counter.
You could try to mickey-mouse your own blend together…
If you’re lucky you might find a bottle with the right dosages of CoQ10 AND PQQ…
But you won’t likely find high quality Shilajit.
Without Shilajit, you’d be missing up to 144% of the energy needed in your heart. 22
Using CoQ10 and PQQ WITHOUT Shilajit is like having a Ferrari and putting cheap gas in it.
Even if you can find a steady source of high quality Shilajit, it’s critical that you get the right
amounts of CoQ10 and PQQ too.
Too much of anything is a waste.
And too little won’t protect your heart or fuel brain.
Yes, Compound CSP is the biggest breakthrough in heart health that I’ve seen in my entire career…
And it has the added benefit of boosting sagging energy levels as well…
But you have to get quality ingredients in the right dosage – or you’re throwing your money away.
And if by some miracle you found all 3 ingredients … of the highest quality … and in the right dosages …
“I have more energy and more mental clarity. CardioClear7 allows me to live a normal life like I once had...”
- Scott Barto
“I can run up my driveway with no problem! Before I could get only halfway up at a walk before stopping.
I lost weight and not having chest pain in the marital bedroom is pretty good too. Thanks a heap guys!”
- Brett Coombes |
“Within about two weeks, my pressure dropped. In fact my blood pressure is lower than at any other time. It keeps my pressure normal even when I’m under stress which right now I’m having a lot of!
Some of the meds I’m on can cause side effects like liver damage but with CardioClear7, I don’t have to worry about that. Thanks so much!”
- Joyce Neubaum
It Would Cost You A
Small Fortune!
…at first, my goal was just to alert the world to this life-changing information…

To sound the alarm on the crooked or uncaring medical machine that push statins and recommend Vitamin E…

To demonstrate that what you eat is not the heart-culprit we assume it to be…

To reveal the
truth behind why so many heart attacks happen to those of us who’re getting older –
even when we religiously follow all the rules!
But it’s become clear that showing you the truth is not enough.
So I Had A Choice To Make
After all, it’s impossible that you’d find the correct ingredients and dosages in your hometown.
I mean, your local pharmacist is not scaling the side of a mountain looking for Shilajit.
So, rather than leave you high-and-dry – or let the big vitamin companies suck you dry…
I created the formula myself
With some help. I recruited the best nutritional supplement manufacturer in America and begged them to take on my Compound CSP formula!
And after looking at the stacks of clinical research I showed them, they finally agreed.
The manufacturer took my exact Compound CSP specifications...
They used highest quality ingredients, in the precise quantities...
And produced it for me in a Good Manufacturing Principles (GMP) facility right here in the States.
CardioClear7 is 100% natural.
It’s an exact replica of the Compound CSP I’ve been telling you about… The one developed through years of research.
And it’s every bit the breakthrough as I could have hoped!
CardioClear7 contains 3 main ingredients:
The right ingredients AND…
…in the right dosages too…
Then, within hours of taking your first one…
The PQQ starts building more mitochondria (those cellular powerplants)…
Your CoQ10 levels increase…
Newfound energy surges through your heart, your brain, your lungs…
And the Shilajit kicks the whole process into high gear.
Soon after starting CardioClear7, you’ll breathe a sigh of pure relief…
You don’t have to constantly worry about heart health…
You have more energy…
Your mental fog starts to lift…
And your memory is like a steel trap again.
Soon you, too, can notice a remarkable difference in your health—and your life.
Like Stephen did.
Stephen felt a sensation in his chest as if his heart was “skipping beats.” Plus every time he went to the doctor he got lectured because all his numbers were high.
Then Stephen tried CardioClear7...and he couldn’t believe what happened in a matter of days. Stephen told us…
Then there was Betsy…
Betsy has been under a lot of stress, due to some serious health issues. But within 2 weeks Betsy saw results. Here’s what she told us:
And John…
Just 1 capsule of CardioClear7 a day is all it takes.
But will it break the bank?
Here’s How We’re
Keeping The Cost So Low…
You’d think that something as effective as CardioClear7 would have to be expensive.
That was my concern.
I worried it would be expensive to make. Especially with the current state of the world.
That’s why I turned to a colleague of mine at Simple Promise, Alex Del Pizzo***.
Alex is world renowned researcher who works with the top scientists and manufacturers on the planet to create life-changing supplements.
He agreed to partner with us.
It’s why we now have a new look too.
But also why we were able to keep the same formula.
At the same price.
Alex was able to supply us with as much high-quality Shilajit as we need – at prices I’ve not seen since before inflation.
This keeps quality high and costs low.
This was very important to me because I never wanted money to stand in the way of people experiencing the heart-saving benefits of CardioClear7.
So I’m happy to report that you’re going to find CardioClear7 easily affordable.
Normally, a 30-day supply is $99.00.
Even at that price, it’s a steal at just $3.30 a day.
After all, what’s it worth to have more energy, more peace of mind, and more time?
What’s it worth to have a sharper brain?
And a stronger heart?
Of course, there’s no price that’s too big for things.
Besides, CardioClear7 could even save you money down the road…
Save you from sky-high medical bills…
Even at the regular price of $99.00, CardioClear7 is more than worth it.
But as I mentioned earlier…
I’m doing a market experiment, and so I’m offering you this crazy deal…
But, fair warning!
This is a special offer you’ll only see during this presentation.
And once you leave this page, the deal will be gone forever – and you’ll have to pay the higher price like everybody else.
So do yourself a favor and grab this special deal now…
For today only, you can get a bottle of CardioClear7
for just $59.00!
That’s a savings of 40% OFF the regular price.
But to get that deal, you have to do it right now.
Even if you want to show it to your doctor before taking it…
Or show it to your kids…
Or you’re not sure if it’s for you…
Grab it today anyway.
Because you’re only going to get the introductory special price of $59.00 today.
Besides, You Have Absolutely No Risk!
If for some reason, you don’t want to keep it, we’ll take it back – and we’ll give you your money back too.
That’s right, I GUARANTEE that CardioClear7 will work for you.
And I put my money where my mouth is…
Right now, below this presentation, you’re going to see a yellow button.
When you click the yellow button, you’ll meet me on a secure page where you can order your bottle of CardioClear7.
As soon as you place your order, we’ll ship it out to you right away.
Since it’s made in the US, you’ll get it fast.
“I was experiencing some heart issues and I thought this might help. Well, within a few days I felt more energized and less fatigued. I didn’t need to take my 2pm nap. CardioClear7 has certainly increased my overall well-being. I don’t feel like I’m aging.”
- Renee Remington |
Start taking one CardioClear7 softgel every morning and one every night.
You’ll know it’s working fast…
You’ll feel the extra energy…
You’ll start to think clearer too…
You’ll feel better all over – even inside.
That’s exactly how my patients describe it to me.
“I started taking CardioClear7 on March 5. I had blood work done on March 18. Within that short period of time...
My triglycerides went from 95 to 83
My total cholesterol went from 438 to 389
And my LDL dropped 350 to 316.
I’ve tried other products but my cholesterol didn’t improve like this. I also have more energy and I am walking more.”
- CC7 Customer
“After starting on CardioClear7, the skipping in my heart stopped. I’m able to climb stairs without feeling exhausted and everyone says my color looks good. I feel great!”
- Linda
But if for some reason it doesn’t do the same for you, or if your doctor says no…
You’ll give us a call and we’ll give you your money back.
One bottle of CardioClear7 lasts for 30 days, but we give you 365 days to call and get your money back!
Why would we have such a bold guarantee?
Because CardioClear7 works.
And so it’s rarer than white peacock that anybody wants to send a bottle back.
That was very important to me when I first started talking to the manufacturer.
I wouldn’t develop the product if you had to shoulder any risk at all.
I’m happy to say that the manufacturer didn’t let me down…
They gave me exactly what I wanted – and with the guarantee that goes with it.
Let me sweeten the deal for you by giving you the following “Fast Action Bonuses” when you try CardioClear7 today:
Fast Action Bonus #1 – “The Diabetes Loophole” book (A $47 Value)
The special guide that Big Pharma doesn’t want you to read
In this report, which is only for those who try out CardioClear7 today, we share health secrets that will allow you break the cycle that is crushing over nine MILLION Americans
You don’t need to depend on painful injections anymore…
Imagine never having to inject yourself or a loved one every time you get hungry
Remove the stress of this crippling disease from your life.
Fast Action Bonus #2 – “Belly Fat Furnace” (A $97 Value)
Only for people who make the right decision now and try CardioClear7, learn how to melt away the pounds that have been slowly creeping onto your body for years
Imagine fitting into your wedding dress again…or that prom
When was the last time you or the one you love wore that high school letterman jacket?
How good will it feel to finally go to the tailor to get something taken in…rather than let out?
Your body is so precious and it’s time to melt away the fat and look ten, twenty or even thirty years younger.
Fast Action Bonus #3 –
“Conquering Chronic Pain Library” (A $177 Value)
This special guide is an absolute must to turn off those aches and pains in your hands and joints
In this report, which is only for those who try out CardioClear7 today, we share health secrets that will allow you to eliminate the pain without needing crazy surgery or wacky Eastern Medicine tricks
You don’t need elective surgery to stay young and healthy…
Imagine enjoying your golden years without need a cane, walker or wheelchair…
You can travel the world while those around you are trapped in homes for the elderly…
“Diabetes Loophole” (A $47 Value)
“The Belly Fat Furnace” (A $97 Value)
And “Conquering Chronic Pain Library” (A $177 Value)
That’s $321.00 worth of extra value you’re getting when you give CardioClear7 a try today, totally risk-free.
So if you’re ready to start protecting your heart …
To jumpstart your energy levels …
To lift yourself out of the mental fog …
Claim your special price on CardioClear7 today by clicking the button below.
Within a week from now, you’ll know you made the best choice of your life!
You’ll know it when you feel your heart pumping strong …
When your mind and focus become laser sharp …
And when your doctor pulls out the blood pressure machine and you think “Bring it on!”
Listen, I know you’ve got options.
The way I see it, you’ve got 3 of them…
First, you could can simply do nothing.You can close this page and forget about all the benefits of Compound CSP. You can back to living in fear of doctors…or worse – heart attacks.
That’s your right of course, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
Another option is that you can drag yourself down to the CVS and try to build your own Compound CSP.But the first roadblock you’ll find is that they won’t have Shilajit.
And even if you do, you’ll hit another roadblock…
Finding high-quality CoQ10 and PQQ in the right dosages.
But you already know trying to cobble your own together is not going to work.
Would you advise a loved one to cook up their own multivitamin?
Of course not…
So the final option you have is to simply try CARDIOCLEAR7 today – without risk…
I’m Not Asking You To Decide Today If CardioClear7
Is Right For You…
That’s why I’m giving you a full 365 days to try it out, risk-free.
Grab a bottle today and then decide for yourself if it’s everything I told you it would be.
Order confidently, knowing you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
That’s all I’ve got for you today.
I’m so happy that I could bring this information to you…
So you could see my breakthrough heart discovery first-hand…
And so you can experience the power of CardioClear7 for yourself.
Just click the button below to grab your bottle now and get the special price while you still can.
On the next page, you’ll see full ordering instructions.
And you’ll be able to see the money-back guarantee in writing too.
See you there!